All the news and happenings from the local golf clubs


Brian Walker, playing off twelve, won Saturday’s Sweep at Bushfoot GC with a score of 37 points.

He hit two double bogies on his way out but was saved by grabbing a birdie three at eight to be able to turn with 19 points bagged. The double bogies returned with a six at ten but that was the last of them. Brian covered the last eight holes in four over par for another 18 points and a 37 total.

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The McIlroy family filled the next two placings with Lennie, playing off nine, getting second spot with 35 points.

He was six over par going out for 16 points but improved coming back with a four over par run getting another 19 for the card. Willie took third spot with 32 from his mark of 16.

He missed scoring on the eighth and ninth to be out with just 13 points won but again improved on the back nine to bag 19 more.


Jimmy Henry Scored 31 points over the thirteen holes in play at Castlerock on Saturday to win the Sweep. Playing off six Jimmy birdied the first but dropped shots on four and five to have 15 points carded at the turn for home.

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Steady scoring, nothing less than two points per hole, kept Jimmy going until seventeen gave up a birdie four to the card. With a par four at the end Jimmy could sign for another 16 and his total of 31.

Ivor Platt finished his round just one point back on 30. A couple of one pointers held him back a bit over the opening six and he had to be content with 12 points out.

Coming back was better, with the help of a two at fourteen Ivor was one under par for the final seven and got 18 points for his efforts. Karl Stewart took third slot with his 29 points.

The nine handicapper parred four holes but dropped a shot on the short fourth. This was recitied by his birdie three at the sixth and gave him 16 points out. Three bogies started the inward half before the pars recommenced only for Karl to miss scoring at seventeen.

His par to end gave Karl 13 back for his 29.


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The tough weather conditions did not slow the scoring at Rathore on Sunday as three players scored 39 points each at the top of the table.

The best of these came from Colm Friel, playing off 21, who matched his handicap on the outward nine holes thanks to a good birdie three on the fifth.

Eighteen points at the turn for home then, and Colm improved on this coming back. A nice birdie two on eleven was backed up by his third and final birdie, a three on fourteen, so that even a double bogey six at the seventeenth couldn’t prevent Colm carding 21 points for the inward nine to get to 39 for the day.

That back nine score also worked well for him in the countback stakes to push Michael Gaston into runners up spot. Michael is in form at the moment and hit 20 front nine points in spite of not scoring at the second.

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His three for birdie at nine helped him there. A two on eleven set him off well in the inward nine but the dreaded blanks appeared again at seventeen to thwart his chances of silverware.

His 19 points back got him level on points but missed out in the tie break. Jonathon Hutchinson completed the trio of 39ers. He hit birdies at three and four, a two and a three, but failed to register at nine to be out with 21 points logged.

Ten gave up a birdie four but that was the last of them for Jonathon, a couple of double bogies meant 18 points was all that could be mustered and third place was the result.

Best Gross went to Ben Best for his round of 70. His solitary birdie on the outward half came with a four at the fourth but was teamed up with a few dropped shots to see Ben get to the turn in 39, four over par.

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No shots were lost over the final nine holes but the birdies arrived in a flock with a two on the short eleventh and three threes on twelve, fourteen and seventeen to follow.


John J McElderry won the Monthly Medal over eleven holes of the Dunluce Links on Saturday by one shot.

The two handicapper covered the front nine in four over par and birdied ten in five to finish on 46.

This netted down to his winning 44. The man to finish two shots back in Silver position was Paddy A O’Donnell.

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His birdie three on five helped him to get to the turn in 39 shots and he birdied ten to finish on 47 gross net 46.

The Bronze position was filled by Ian Dowds also on net 46. Out in 45 Ian birdied ten to get round in 53 which nets to 46.


Team F, ably captained by Gareth Logan is leading the Winter league by three points. They have an aggregate score of 342 compared with Rory McCartney’s second placed Team G on 339. Following close behind is Robert Brolly with Team B on 337 points.

The individual table is topped by Jerry Long on 78 with Dr Tom Turner four back on 74. Third place is occupied by Robert Brady with 69 points to his name.


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Eighty-two members turned out on a bright and not too breezy day at Royal Portrush for this month’s NW Ladies Golfing Alliance.

Sixteen holes were played and the scoring was very close as a ‘Home Club’ player topped the scoring.

D Grey, from the Royal Portrush club, won with 33 points. This was after a tie breaker with Section ‘A’ topper R McCormick from Ballycastle GC. Still in Section ‘A’ M Mitchell (RPGC) took second place with N Bennett (Castlerock GC) and R Glover (Portstewart GC) third and fourth with 31 each.

Portstewart members took the top three slots in Section ‘B’. J Robinson and CChristie with 32 each and I Bratton with 31. L Creaney from Castlerock was fourth with another 31.


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In very poor conditions Mark Windebank did his captain’s duty and played through the wind and rain to victory in Saturday’s Sweep.

He scored 31 points over the fourteen holes in play off his handicap of two.

His birdie four at the fourth kept him to his handicap for the front seven, fourteen points, but the inward seven was more fruitful.

Eleven gave up a three and the par five fourteenth a four to see Mark back in two under par gross for another seventeen points.

His resulting 31 was two clear of the field.